Kamis, 09 Agustus 2012

10 Website terunik di dunia

Perkembangan website perkembangan saat ini sedang melonjak tajam sehingga para pengguna internet sibuk memikirkan dan mengetahui apa sebenarnya isi website ini,Berdasarkan hasil penelitian saya ada banyak website terindex yang aneh.Istilah lain dari pada yang lain makanya kalian perlu lihat di bawah ini.

1. http://killerjo.net/
This website told me unique look at a strange kind of noise so I called the article UNIQUE.

2. http://gandhi.isgreat.org/
Check out myself, I also have never seen just heard.

3. http://urangsunda.50webs.com/Noclick.html
This is unique in that it delivers the performance radii are rarely obtained by the person or persons rarely attempted

4. http://www.1227.com/
This site invites you to karaoke, but in a way that is unusual because it uses another javascript. One thing is for sure you'll never get out or close a tab in the browser before you finish the lyrics chekidot

5. http://www.d1gdo.com/admin/

6. http://d1gdo.com/images
 he makes so muter2 mozillanya

7. http://subang.co.tv/
 For this site you will be required to activate your Flash Player padabrowser, because the file in the form of flash and then hear and see what happens. This picture was just a brother killerjo kilerjo image

8. http://esc-creation.com/scream
it scary ...

9. http://sukatoro.com/
The most disgusting web neh .. the more people eat more pup on the show pupnya gee tuh

10. http://www.kenapa-ini.blogspot.com/
according to its web title makes reference to the 'why this'

Untuk keamanan komputer anda terhadap serangan website ini,tolong sekali-kali jangan dibuka karena akanmerusak administration kalian dan Hati-hati terhadap penipuan dan ini hanya info dan sekali-kalia anda mendengar website diatas saya beri anda pengelaman tentang Website Terunik di Dunia